Plastic Bubble Wrap – re-use or not?

Plastic Bubble Wrap – re-use or not?

I order raw ingredients to make my products and they have to be protected on their journey to me.  Some companies are still using some bubble wrap and a few weeks ago I ended up with a pile,  like in the pic.  I don’t like waste and therefore I re-use it to wrap your parcels.  I will continue to re-use packaging for this reason, it keeps it out of land fill a little longer.




Bamboo Handled Toothbrush

Bamboo Handled Toothbrushes are becoming increasingly popular in our quest to reduce plastic waste.  The bristles are lovely and soft and the handle’s easy to hold.

To increase the longevity of this item keep it dry and don’t let it sit in water!

The toothbrushes can be bought from here 

The picture features the brushes alongside some of my handmade soap and hand crocheted wash cloths.  They can also be found in the shop

Gifts And Treats

Box of handmade soaps

How lovely does this box of handmade soaps look!  The ribbon is upcycled and the box is made from recycled paper.  So all in all,  an Eco friendly gift as well as a thoughtful one!

Click here to visit my shop